Friday, May 29, 2009

A nice note from an editor

Commentary by Full of Crow editor, Aleathia Drehmer, when asked "Who is your favorite small press poet?" from "eight questions with aleathia drehmer" in Nibble Poems:

Man, this is a hard question. I know so many flipping great writers. I do really enjoy the work of Jacob Johanson and Barton Smock. I think I read them pretty regularly and maintain an interest in their work as they progress. Recently, I began reading the work of a woman named Jana Russ. This woman knocks my socks off. I had not heard of her until she submitted to Full of Crow and her writing makes my heart beat faster and my skin tingle. But like I said, I know so many great writers it is hard not to mention them. I’m like that overly optimistic best friend. I see something wonderful in most people, even if it is something small, and hope it grows into something great.

Thanks, Aleathia!